
His GirlFriend. Now My Friend


When two people are in love, it is funny how they think they would die or lose their mind when it all ends, most of them believe that there is a invisible glue that ties them together a
nd separating it cannot happen without a tear. The Love musicians are not taking it easy at all as we are quick to here lines like “I will be lost if I lost you”, “I can’t breathe without you”, and “I am drowning in lonesome ocean since you left me ” streaming down your local radio. All this make me look at love like a very big work, more tedious that running the marathon or being a construction worker in an under staffed construction site and the idea of love chokes me to the throat when I hear a Goodbye song.

As Hand cling together and lips press against each other and breath taken away in most romantic outburst, we both are lost in a wild and deadly passion as our body shivers so those out heart quivers and other lips murmurs melodious tones that are too Good to be true, professing love and promising that only God can keep. As we are lost in this Euphoria we tell our self that the inevitable will never come, that it will never end, we close our eyes and hope it last forever. Mmmmmmh what Deadly chemistry this is!
But as we all must have discovered by now and as the new folks will soon discover, We get to that point when the best of kisses taste sour,  the tender breast plunges and like a tender flower plucked from her stocks, the all famous feeling is no more and all that is left is you, you and you alone to live through life waiting for the next love to stroll round the corner and for you to repeat those forever words again and sing the never say goodbye song to her ears….

As the circle  moves round and round, my lover soon become your lover and his lover my lover and their girlfriend becomes our girlfriend and on and on we move on sharing experiences from others experiences, dating someone’s former love and singing someone else’s former Love song  until we find that song that will never end, the breath that caresses our skin forever, that hand that we never wave goodbye and to make that so we bound upon it a golden ring for her to see and remember our forever song and never wave those hands to rip our heart apart and finally we call her My wife.

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